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Jan. 4, 2023

Episode 1 | Laying the Foundation with Anna McCoy

Episode 1 | Laying the Foundation with Anna McCoy

Episode 1- Laying the Foundation for Billionaire Brilliance with Anna McCoy In this episode, Anna lays the foundation for Billionaire Brilliance and "why" activating your billionaire brilliance should be unapologetic! Billionaire Brilliance is not...

Episode 1- Laying the Foundation for Billionaire Brilliance with Anna McCoy

In this episode, Anna lays the foundation for Billionaire Brilliance and "why" activating your billionaire brilliance should be unapologetic!

Billionaire Brilliance is not about money, although we will discuss money mindsets rather it is about doing something amazing, incredible or extraordinary that will impact a billion souls and if we are able to shoot for the moon, money will not be our issue. Check out this inspiring video on Moonshot Thinkers at to learn more and expand your mindset. 

Your Massive Transformative Purpose is a clear statement that guides empowers and inspires you. It helps you decide what to do, and more importantly, what not to do. It’s both your fuel and your filter. For example, Peter’s MTP is to: Inspire and Guide Entrepreneurs to Create a Hopeful, Compelling and Abundant Future for Humanity.” 

My MTP is to guide Entrepreneurs to unlock and activate their billionaire brilliance, transforming their mindsets for future readiness to win in business and life. 

To find out more about Anna McCoy